We believe that everyone needs a place to be known, a place where authenticity is safe. The Ridge is that place. Join a Group or get involved today to experience Growth in your walk with Christ and Life-Giving Relationships.
Our children’s services are focused on teaching a solid Biblical foundation while helping kids fully understand God's love for them. Each Sunday, our team is excited and passionate about providing an atmosphere that fosters friendships, spiritual growth and fun. You can be confident that your child is well-cared for and will have a great time learning about God while you worship.
We do everything possible to ensure your child enjoys their learning and worship experience in a safe & controlled environment. We would love to meet you and your family!
Currently Ridge Kids is offering in person ministry on Sundays and resources via our mobile app to equip parents with biblical tools for those teaching kids at home.
We all know adolescence isn’t easy, but in today’s society, it’s even more difficult. At the Ridge, we want to create a safe space for students to voice their thoughts, views, beliefs, doubts and fears. However, we know that doesn’t happen without the investment of relationship. We’re committed to creating a fun, authentic environment where students can be known and invested in, while growing deep in their faith. For more information contact our Student Pastor by email at info@thridgechurch.cc.
The Ridge is passionate about helping people connect in Life-Giving Relationships. We believe God intended us to do life together rather than journey solo. If you find yourself alone or looking for ways to connect in order to draw closer to God, jump onto our group link to see the opportunities available.
Living For Christ In The Workplace (Day/Time TBD)
James Pung
The Ridge Church Portable 4
Theology in Worship Songs
Lacey Coleman
The Ridge Church Portable 3
Risen Motherhood (no childcare provided)
Whitney Moore
2001 Timberloch Place Conference Room 4
Communication in your Marriage
Patrick McCarren
Creekside Area
The Screwtape Letters
Gareth Young
The Ridge Church Portable 3
The Last Saturday of Every Month
Diana Dew
Alden Bridge Area
Book Club *2nd Wednesday of each Month
Mindy Reich
Alden Bridge Area
His Needs. Her Needs.
Damon Aucoin
Aucoin House
Experiencing God
Matt Rutledge
Dosey Doe Coffeeshop - 8021 Research Forest Dr.
When you choose to Volunteer at the Ridge, you become a part of our "Dream Team". The Dream Team is a group of incredible people that have discovered their gifts and passions and are actively serving in them. From creating a comfortable environment by serving on the Host Team, to leading the next generation to Jesus by serving on the Student or Ridge Kids Team, to crafting a dynamic experience with the Service Experience Team or by tearing down barriers across our city by leading a Small Group we are a group that has decided NOT to be idol & passive but Active in Being the church.
The Ridge Outreach and Response exists to share the Gospel through meeting the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of people in our community, state, nation, and world.
God's final message to us wasn't sit. It wasn't argue, be right, or find a comfortable church. His message was to GO. Go Where?
GO & BE the church. Tell other people about this message, Teach them to follow, Show them God's Love.
We try hard to provide opportunities to GO. Here are a few that you can get involved with & know that we're always adding more.
Expect to be challenged. Expect to disagree with some things. Expect to hear a lot about a God who loves you and pursues you. Expect unfiltered conversations & Biblical truth. Expect opportunities to make a difference & make real friends. Oh, and free coffee!
We believe there's always a "Next Step" on everyone's journey. Join a service, Visit a small group, Attend First Steps, Serve on a Team....We'd love to help you get connected no matter what your "Next Step" is. Send us a quick message at the bottom of this page & we'll be in touch.